Squinty Pictures, LTD.
"Turning your reality, into a dream."
An Interview with Ice-T
- Charming interview with one Ice-T.
Working Man (parody video)
- Can you say old school? Neither can we. Rush was never meant to be heard or seen like this.
Iron Aces
- The cult classic that was the "real" starting point for Squinty Pictures.
Al Capone
- A University civics class project that started Mr. Aaron Boyd's acting career. Product plugging is classic.
A Study of Ethanol
- A university class project gone awry.
The Mudjugs Rockumentary
- eMpTV-style Rockumentary about one of the greatest bands that never were. The cult classic "Predator 3" was also a part of this project.
Yo Bitch! (in association w/ By The Brooks Productions)
- One scene filmed from the script "The Hounds of Winter."
Iron Aces II: Dependence Day
- The blockbuster cult sequel to "Iron Aces" that had an actual budget and (semi-)working script.
Hero Video
- A great band once said, "If you want to do it right, just forget it." Obviously this advice was totally ignored with this project...
Iron Aces II World Premiere
- Just as the title says. The premeire night of "IA:II" caught in all it's candidness.
The Rescue (in association w/ Bad Ass Productions)
- More proof that Jed Bauch should get into film.
Iron Aces III Trailer (Star Wars spoof)
- The trailer for "IA III: ROTC." Classic.
TKE Red Carnation Ball 1999
- Tribute to the graduating TKE's of 1999.
The WRC Commercial
- Rich Keitel's first big screen solo appearance. Needless to say, numbers did not go up at the Wellness Recreation Center when the commercial aired.
Scott and The Cara Fiasco
- You had to be there, you had to live it.
Iron Aces III Trailer (Clerks spoof)
- Another trailer for "IA III: ROTC." Another classic. Cory Smith makes his debut as director and writer in this gem.
Leaving Lucy
- A project that had promise until a vendictive female got greedy and threatened with a lawsuit.
The Making of "Yo Bitch!"
- Behind the scenes of the one scene filmed from the script "The Hounds of Winter."
Head House (studio video)
- Studio video for said band.
Tequila Mockingbird (live video)
- Live video for said band.
Persephone’s Dream
- Who's he talking to? And what's his big dream?
Colemesis (studio video)
- What happens when you fire a lead singer, hole-up in a basement, get some band members drunk and find a bunch of hot and horny models who want to be famous? We don't know either, but it probably is something similar to this video.
Predator 4
- Move over Arnold, T-Bone's coming to town. Cult classic spoof sequel of the cult classic spoof sequel "Predator 3."
Predator 4 Trailer
- Trailer for cult classic "Predator 4."
3 Smiles Back
- The project where Eric met the infamous Riccardo Gabrielli R... Whats the "R" stand for (you might ask)? Beats the s**t out of me.
DJ Chuck
- A strange unmarked package that arrived in LA from Iowa. An unedited, unfinished movie and half a script. A deadline of four days. An ulcer, utter panic and no sleep. A fitting sequel to the previous "Leaving Lucy" disaster.
TKE Red Carnation Ball 2001
- Tribute to the graduating TKE's of 2001.
The Big Delicious (parody video)
- Move over Journey and Kraft. There's something cheesier in da house.
Lygamnt (studio video)
- Da-na-na-na. Da-na-na-na-NA. What a disgrace.
Monday Night Football
- A classic Thanksgiving day special.
Top Gun II (Playing With the Boys)
- Tom Cruise never looked as good without his shirt on.
Dog Eat Dog
Floored (Trilogy 1)
- Part one of a three part dream that still is coming along. You can thank the terrorists of 9-11 for this one.
I’ll Wait For You
Running For Love
- Tabitha Arrow at her best. That babe can run!
TKE Red Carnation Ball 2002
- Tribute to the graduating TKE's of 2002.
Puddle Of Mudd (parody video)
- Parody video of said band.
That One Moment
- One of the latest Squinty Pictures achievements. With this project yet another corner has been turned in technology and accomplishment. We're getting bigger folks!
TKE Red Carnation Ball 2003
- Tribute to the graduating TKE's of 2003.
Behind the Computer
- A parody of Chris Pirillo's entire life in the style of VH1's "Behind the Music." Shown twice at Gnomedex 3.0.
Triple Witching Hour II
The Apprentice
- Money. Power. Lemonade. Gorbachev. What do these all have in common? The answer: Luke Penca?
TKE Red Carnation Ball "Greatest Skits" 2004
- The Best of the Worst TKE RCB skits. You thought they were bad before, now you can watch them on DVD!
Geeks Gone Wild (Trilogy)
- In England, "Jedi" is now an official religion. I hear in California, you can become a Pirilloist. You must worship technology and obtain any knowledge pertaining to said industry. The Geeks Gone Wild Trilogy showcases the true geekosity of wanting to attend Chris Pirillo's Gnomedex 4: Geeks Gone Wild.
The Boyd Fiasco (The Boyd-Konichek Wedding & Reception)
- What happens when the b!tchy sister of a bride and the drunk comedian brother of the groom show up to your wedding? It usually ends up with the lead singer of a band on ecstasy. Confused? Just watch...
Everyone To The Bar Area (The Smith-Kelsey Wedding & Reception)
- If mixing paintball, beer and shotguns sounds like something from a Squinty Pictures film, you're probably right. Add a couple leather belts, a guest appearance by Commander Cory, and an RV that leaks exhaust into the cabin area, and you have yourself "The Cannonball Run III!"
Rock Ur Body
Your Heart (in association w/ Scarab Pictures)
- Take a trip in the shoes of a broken heart.
The Outcast
- Sexy women in skimpy, leather outfits do battle to rule the world and dominate men. No, this isn't a remake of the Buck Rogers episode "Planet of the Amazon Women" or even a futuristic version of "Prehistoric Women." Dune this isn't, but it has it's own spice.
Reserved For ________
- As the cliche goes, to get ahead in the corporate world one has to sell his soul to the devil. But what if the devil has an ironic sense of humor and switches the souls of two office rivals for a day? Sparks fly as Josh and Gabriel inhabit one another with the intention of destroying his counterparts career in order to advance his own.
Future Projects...
Iron Aces III: ROTC (Return of the Commander)
- The sequel to the cult sequel of Iron Aces.
© 1993-2012, Squinty Pictures, LTD.
One or Two Rights Reserved. Three Rights, You're Out!